Thursday, March 5, 2020

Simple Tips for Getting Ahead as an Introvert - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Simple Tips for Getting Ahead as an Introvert - Introvert Whisperer Simple Tips for Getting Ahead as an Introvert Between working your 9-5 job, running endless errands, and visiting family and friends, day-to-day life is exhausting. Finding the time and energy to work on your personal development can seem like a nearly impossible feat at times, and for introverts, these barriers to success are only heightened. That’s why I’ve come up with a few simple, proactive ways to help introverts get ahead without becoming burned out or defeated. Create a Concentrated Network of Impactful People You probably see it all the time, both online and in person. Your extroverted coworkers are constantly chatting and reaching out to people, wielding their skills in small talk and complimenting to create a large number of surface-level connections with others in your field. In their minds, it’s a simple formula: more connections = more opportunities. Although building and fostering your network is important for personal and professional growth, playing the numbers game is counterproductive. Remember: quantity is not always greater than quality. Properly managing a large network will cost you time and energy that could be devoted to more relevant pursuits. And networking poorly is worse than not doing it at all. That’s why you should forge connections that prioritize relevance and a genuine relationship, as this will yield opportunities that better align with your own personal interests and goals.   Look to the Future Instead of Reflecting on the Past Nearly every introvert knows the dread that comes after a social interaction. Did I say the right things?   Was the conversation boring?   Did I speak too much? Or not enough? Overcoming your self-doubt is one the best and most simple ways to get ahead. Not only will you become more confident in your decisions and interactions with others, but you’ll also end up saving time and operating more efficiently. To successfully let go of your doubt, practice looking toward the future by writing down large-scale goals for the year and smaller ones for the upcoming months, weeks, and days. By reflecting on your performance in previous years, you’ll also be able to acknowledge and let go of the things in your past that hold you back. Find Your Method of Communicatingâ€" And Excel at It Successfully conveying information in your workplace will be essential to moving upward. But becoming a better communicator as an introvert isn’t necessarily about improving your areas of weaknessâ€" a better angle to this challenge is to identify the different ways of communicating and determine the ways you are already successfully exchanging ideas with others. If you’re better at dealing with people in more intimate situations, ask to work on smaller teams at work or schedule 1-on-1 meetings with your higher-ups. Maybe you like keeping comprehensive, personal notes; take that skill and share relevant information with your team in the notes sections of documents and databases. Or, if you like to take time to think before you share, emailing should be your best friend. Realize whatever methods work best for you and use them to your advantage. Share Your Successes Although telling others about your accomplishments may feeling like you’re seeking attention, it’s often crucial to ensure you get the credit and praise you deserve. Bragging about your achievements or causing a scene is definitely not the way to approach sharing successes, but there’s no shame in highlighting something important that you’ve achieved. Your boss won’t be able to see the accomplishments of everyone they oversee; that’s why it’s important to make sure you get the spotlight when you deserve it. You may struggle with verbalizing your own successes or sharing them widely, so instead try CC’ing your management team on important correspondence, calling out the successes of your department as a whole, or sharing ideas in team meetings (while making sure you get credit for them).   Get Smarter with Your Money Here’s an undeniable fact when it comes to getting ahead: having money will open up time, resources, and opportunities that can give you the extra boost you need to advance in life. Thanks to the internet, there are plenty of ways to make money after your workday that have little or nothing to do with socializing or working with others. And when successful enough, these enjoyable side gigs can eventually become your primary source of income. If you don’t have time to pursue a side hustle, focus on places where you can cut down on spending and drive down monthly costs. Perform a personal financial audit by evaluating your income and expenses at least once a year to see areas of your spending that are unnecessary and could be reduced. Since debt is one of the main reasons why people aren’t able to get ahead, concentrate on finding opportunities to consolidate and save where you can. If you are someone with any amount of student debt, do your research and take advantage of student loan refinancing solutions. An even easier avenue would be to stop spending money on frivolous things like coffee every day and only using your credit card to purchase the essentials.   Give Yourself Some Downtime The main way you can avoid burnout, fatigue, and discouragement is by always keeping you and your needs in mind. For introverts especially, it’s important to give yourself time alone to reflect and recharge at the end of each day. From reviewing your week’s productivity to curling up with a great book, downtime helps you take a step back from your daily routine and figure out what the next step is for you. As counterintuitive as it might initially seem, be sure to budget time into your schedule that is specifically dedicated to resting and planning your next steps toward success. When you arrive at work the next day, this time of rest will give you the patience and stamina you need to survive and thrive in a world of extroverts.   AUTHOR ATTRIBUTION: Kathy Philipson is a content creator who enjoys writing on career and financial advice, especially for entrepreneurs and go-getters. When she isn’t writing, Kathy enjoys thumbing through her Instagram feed, attending to her two cats, and watching the Game Show Network. Go to top Do you know what your next career step is?  Many people don’t. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook on how to construct your Career SMART Goals â€" that will help you put together your actions and keep you accountable. Get your copy now and start your action plan today! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

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